Finished Objects: Cake Patterns Red Velvet Mini Clutch

While I am patiently waiting for the release of Cake Patterns Red Velvet Collection, Steph was kind enough to release the mini version of the Red velvet Clutch as a free pdf download

(freebies, thanks Steph!)

Red Velvet Collection smallI immediately whipped up a version with some leftover fabric from my Fall for Cotton dress with some cute floral fabric as the lining.


The mini clutch has two variations of pleats, a scissor pleat or a box pleat, depending on how you fold the fabric.

I decided to do a variation of the scissor pleat for this version. Instead of having the pleats opposing I had them match up in the middle for an envelope effect.


I thought it was cute on this plain, solid fabric.


The inside is a soft pink and peach floral fabric I have in my stash. It’s a remnant of a shirt I made, but don’t wear often, but the fabric is really, really soft.

I made this little clutch for my daughter, 3 years old, who has been asking for a purse of her own.

She loves it. πŸ™‚

Not to be left out, my 5 year old son also wanted a clutch. I remembered how he’s been complaining about his glasses case lately. It is one of those clam shell varieties, and with his sensory defensive issues, he is anxious that he will snap his fingers in it when he closes it. I realized this mini clutch is the perfect size for a new glasses case.

After asking if he wanted a clutch for a new glasses case and getting an excited YES!!!, we promptly went to the stash where he picked out a piece of dark red corduroy for the exterior and I chose a soft piece of cream flannel for the interior.


I did the box pleat version this time, as it seemed more *manly* and opted for two short pull tabs on either side instead of the strap to make it easier to pull the zipper open and closed.


I also added an extra layer of fusible fleece to the lining to make it more plush on the inside to protect the glasses better. It’s a perfect fit and he loves it. πŸ™‚

You can get you own free pdf download here and stitch a few for yourself or others. It stitches up in less than an hour and makes a great little gift or gift holder. Don’t forget to join the Flickr Group and upload your mini clutch creations so we can see them all!

Happy Sewing!

9 thoughts on “Finished Objects: Cake Patterns Red Velvet Mini Clutch

  1. What great ideas. I really want to join the party but have other more pressing jobs on my sewing queue. I need to get them done so I’m ready to go when the Red Velvet collection releases! πŸ™‚

  2. Pingback: It’s A Christmas Gift Post, Fa La La La Laaaaaaaaaa! | TheSeedsof3

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