I’ve Been Nominated for a Liebster Award! Squee!


Montana over at Montana Designs had graciously chosen me as one of her recipients this year!

If you are unfamiliar with the Liebster Award, it is a way of getting other bloggers known, shared and generally getting the word out about them. You can only be nominated if you have under 500 followers.

– A few simple rules apply –
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you
2. Answer the 11 questions given to you
3. Nominate 11 other followers with less than 500 followers
4. Post 11 questions for your nominees to answer
5.Tag your nominees & post a comment on their blog to let them know you nominated them
Here are the 11 questions  I got from Montana:

1. Why did you start crafting?

 I started sewing because nothing in the stores fit me or appealed to my sense of style.

2. Would you consider making a business from your crafting?

I have! Recently! My handmade gifts made such an impression on people others asked if I would make for them. Thus was born Handmade by The Seeds of 3


3. What other hobbies do you have?

I garden, read, and take long baths. I also like to laugh and have fun with my hubby, and two kiddos. I have been known to brew beer, and make wine, cheese, and yogurt (in my spare time), as well as cook and decorate cakes.

4. What music do you like?

I think I am still stuck in the 70s and 80s. Give me a Hair Band Ballad or a One Hit Wonder and I will Jam out! I also like Pink, Adele, They Might Be Giants, The Smiths/Morrissey, Sting/The Police, INXS, Adam Hood, and KT Tunstall

5. What films are you into?

Coen Brothers and Wes Anderson films rule my world. The Darjeeling Limited and The Big Lebowski have changed my life. Also, pretty much anything you’ll find at the artsy Cinema. Oh, and ALL of Peter Jackson’s films, including the ones BEFORE the Ring movies.

6. Favourite colour and why?

Don’t have one. I also don’t have a favorite song, movie, saying, thing to eat, restaurant, etc. I like variety and I like changing my mind.

7. Where are you from and what’s interesting there?

I hail from Louisiana, USA, where just about everything is interesting! New Orleans, Mardi Gras, daiquiris, Cajun cuisine, Cajun accents, love of life, and uncrushable spirit!

8. Who inspires you?

For sewing – my fellow sewing bloggers; for life – my big sister Ree.

9. Who do you craft for mainly?

For myself. It keeps me sane 🙂 Well, mostly sane.

10. What do you like making the most and why?

ANYTHING out of Lillestoff fabric. Seriously, that stuff is fantastically cute and a dream to work with.

11. What really annoys you and why?

Liars. Ain’t NOBODY got time fa dat!

OK, so now my nominees and questions. With all of he ways you can follow a blog, I am not sure how anyone is supposed to tell if you have less than 500 followers. So, I chose people that I thought may have a smaller number of followers than others. Forgive me if you are blessed with more than 500 :-). Just know I enjoy your blogs and others should too!

1. seamedstraightforward

2. Sewhopefull

3. Pincushiontreats

4. Moonthirty

5. BirdandBicycle

6. Gjeomtry

7. Csews

8. Sewtell

9. Blinkysews

10. PeanutButterMacrame

11. Pelly Melly Patterns

Now for my questions:

1. What was the first thing you’ve ever sewn?

2. Did you wear it? Why or why not?

3. Do you believe in fate?

4. What is your earliest memory?

5. If you drink, what is your favorite cocktail (recipe please!)

6. What kinds of books do you like to read?

7. When was the last time you were sick with something other than a common cold? What was it?

8. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?

9. What sewing tip have you learned that blew your mind?

10. What is your dream sewing machine if money was no object?

11. Do you prefer hot or cold climates? Why?

This has been fun! Thanks again Montana!

Happy Sewing!

22 thoughts on “I’ve Been Nominated for a Liebster Award! Squee!

  1. I am a huge 70-90’s band lover of music. I saw Bon Jovi in concert last year, and about died in happiness. Fabulous! Also, TMBG will always be close to my heart. I sing their songs to my toddler daily.

  2. Pingback: Liebster Award! | Bird and Bicycle

  3. Oh my goodness! Thank you for nominating me Melanie 🙂
    What a shock! I will give it some thought in the next few hours.
    Thanks for reading my blog, your encouragement means a lot.

  4. Pingback: I Won the Liebster Award! – Smart Stunning Searching

  5. Melanie – thanks so much for the nomination! I didn’t know you had nominated me until a couple days ago. Somehow I didn’t get pinged about it. I’m working on answering your questions now. 😉

  6. Pingback: A Liebster Award Nomination! - C Sews

  7. Pingback: The tale of how I got nominated for a Liebster award….the resulting anxiety, sleepless nights and brand new half-assed award that ensued - Fanbloomingtastic

  8. Pingback: The tale of how I got nominated for a Liebster award….the resulting anxiety, sleepless nights and brand new half-assed award that ensued

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